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The Grunstra Family

Photo collage of the Grunstra Family

Eight siblings, the children of Ruth and Dr. Bernard Grunstra of Bristol, have all chosen VHCC as a starting point for college. The youngest, 丽迪雅 (top left) is now taking a history class at VHCC while finishing high school, while sister 凯蒂 (上面一行, second from left) is now a full-time student at VHCC and plans to pursue a degree in Art Education. She is interested in pursuing a career in studio or graphic art. Their older brothers and sisters all earned Associate of Arts & Sciences Degrees from VHCC before transferring to four-year institutions. They are (pictured in order) 悬崖, who also holds a bachelor’s degree in business and an MBA from Virginia Tech, and now works as chief marketing officer for Delmarva Central Railroad in Delaware. He and his wife, Sarah, have three children; Johnathan就行, who earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from Virginia Tech and is now Clinical Research Coordinator for PMG Research in Bristol. He and his wife, Whitley, have two sons; 蒂莫西, who holds a bachelor’s degree in public policy and community service from Emory & Henry College and now works for Solid Rock Outdoor Ministries in Laramie, WY. He and his wife, Jamie, were married this summer.; 瑞秋, who earned a bachelor’s degree in biology from Virginia Tech and now lives in Jupiter, FL, with her husband, Sameer Hinduja, and their newborn, 玛雅. 瑞秋 has taught high school science and is now teaching music and voice classes at Zayas Studios; 格蕾丝, who earned a bachelor’s degree in meteorology and geography from Virginia Tech and is currently completing a mission trip in Columbia. She recently got engaged and will soon join her fiance, Odrey Bechtel, who is attending dental school in Minneapolis; and 以撒, who is currently enrolled in the mechanical engineering program at Virginia Tech. He plans to pursue an MBA after he finishes his engineering degree. Each of the Grunstras completed high school - with their mother’s help - through a local homeschool cooperative. VHCC was an affordable and attractive choice, which allowed each of them to work at their own pace and explore career opportunities.

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